One of my favorite accounts of healing in the scriptures is found in John chapter 9. In this chapter we see Jesus healing the man who was born blind. It is one of my favorites, not because of the scale or the scope of the healing, but rather because of what it teaches us.
Jesus’ words regarding the blind man are very potent, and we often read passed them quickly to get to the healing itself, without absorbing and meditating on what He said. By doing this though, we miss something very critical to our understanding about God and the gift of healing that He gives. I’m excited to share this with you today. Let’s get started.
When people think about receiving the fullness of God, many things might come to mind. Usually involving some type of sacrifice, work or effort on their part. They might think that receiving more of God requires diligent and prolonged periods of study, fasting, or other types of sacrifice. They may think that it comes from attending lots of Christian conferences, or reading a lot of Christian books or articles, or any number of things.
Yet the scriptures tell a different story. That the fullness of God, the totality of His righteousness, His holiness, His peace and all of His blessing, comes a different way, one that we don’t really expect.
What I want to share with you today, is the true vehicle by which the fullness of God comes. Not the religious man-made ideas about how to receive the fullness of God, but rather the truth directly from scripture. And I believe that as you see this today, the burden of religion and the self-effort of trying to reach for God will be lifted away, and you will be free to simply enjoy what Christ has accomplished for you.