Welcome back to the second part of our series on Christian boredom. This is a phenomenon that nearly every believer will experience at some point, and it can cause a great deal of anxiety if we don’t understand what is going on. In part one of this series, we dealt with the fear that being bored and not wanting to engage in typical Christian behaviors such as studying the Bible, indicates a lack of true salvation — a very legitimate concern for many who experience this kind of boredom, and if this describes you, I would definitely encourage you to view that study. Now in this second part, we will look at what causes Christian boredom, and what we can do about it.
Do you remember the excitement of being a new Christian? The thrill of learning new things, realizing truths about Jesus you’ve never known, and seeing details you’ve never seen before? It’s incredibly compelling, and motives believers to continue the journey of spiritual growth onwards. But what happens when this spiritual honeymoon phase ends? What happens when the normalcy of life comes calling once again and what was once new and enthralling becomes rote and routine? In short, what happens when we get plain bored? Over the years, there have been times where the spark of reading scripture just wasn’t there, things felt dry and dead, and I didn’t see any growth, or amazing transformation. In those times, the temptation to simply walk away was high. How does someone combat Christian boredom? Well, let’s explore this together.