When we have a message title such as this one today, it makes some people uneasy. There will be some who form preconceived ideas based on this title alone, and I can not stop them from doing that. Having said that, the truth is that this title is absolutely one-hundred percent based on scripture. Jesus, the very Word of God, was made manifested into flesh and walked the earth with us, taught us, healed us and saved us through His death, burial and resurrection for one simple purpose: to satisfy every single one of our needs. Today we will be examining this fact, so that we can honor Jesus by humbly accepting everything which He has paid to give us.
Most of us can agree that it would be of great help to us if we were to be promoted and blessed by God. When God blesses you, you are successful in everything that you do. When God promotes you, your influence and prestige are increased supernaturally. It is safe to conclude that these things would be of enormous benefit. But how exactly do we go about getting blessed by God and promoted? Many believers have been asking this question recently, wondering why God seems to be silent in their situations. The answer is of course found in the Bible, and we will be looking at the simple steps which will enable each and every believer to attain this blessing and promotion of God which He desires for each of us to have.
Have you ever participated in a treasure hunt? When I was younger, I was fascinated by the idea of searching for (and finding) hidden treasure. I even had a metal detector. Although I never found anything other than a few nickels and dimes, it didn't matter because they were my nickels and dimes which I had found and they were special to me. Even today I still have those “treasures” in a little box. Do you know that God also has treasure for us today? He has given us the greatest treasure hunt of all, one that each and every one of us can participate in, and it is not a race where only the first person to find the treasure wins it all, but there is a personal treasure for each and every person – and there is more than enough treasure to go around. Today we will be exploring this grand treasure hunt and see what we find.
There is a well-known hymn that is often sung which has the lyrics in part... “In Christ the Solid Rock I stand”. Have you ever wondered what this song is referring to? What is this solid rock of Christ and how exactly do we stand on it? How do we even know if we are there or not? The truth of the Bible is that if we are not firmly on the solid rock of Jesus, then we are on what the Bible calls “shifting sand”, a dangerous and ultimately deadly place to be. So today we will be looking at the solid foundation of Jesus Christ, including how to recognize it and how to get there if we are not currently there.
How often do you eat? How would you feel if you only ate once a week or less? You would probably feel tired, in pain, run down, unable to focus, and you would be very sickly. So it's not a very good idea. Now how often do you feed your spirit? Most believers today are feeding their spirit once a week, only when they go to church. And whether they know it or not, their spirits are very weak and sickly today. The Bible tells us that we should be feeding our spirits multiple times per day just like our physical bodies. So today we will be examining what it means to feed our spirit and how we are nourished with Jesus Christ
Have you ever thought that you needed to believe better in order to get something from God? Many believers (including myself in earlier years) have this idea that before we can receive from God we must believe perfectly – even though this idea is not what the Bible teaches. For a long time now, the enemy has used this artificial faith/belief barrier to keep people from receiving all of what Jesus Christ has paid for us to have. So today we will be exposing this deceitful lie of the enemy in the light of God's grace, so that you can see there is nothing standing between you and God today, not even your own faith.
Most of us can agree today that peace is a sought-after commodity. Everyone is looking for it, yet surprisingly few actually have it. There are many methods by which we can attempt to get more peace: aroma therapy, music, even neuroscience – none of which are bad – but they all lack one thing... a solid foundation on Jesus Christ whom the Bible calls the Prince of Peace. Today we will be studying the true rest and peace which God can bring. The same rest which caused Paul and Silas to rejoice and sing praises even in the lowest dungeon of prison, and the same peace and rest which can lead you out of your troubles today.
Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever had an accident in your life, whether big or small? Chances are if you are human, you have had at least one. I know that I have made plenty of mistakes and had quite a few accidents, and also in times past I have felt really bad about those mistakes and accidents as well. If you have made a mistake or experienced an accident and have felt guilty about it or believed that the resulting negative consequence is what you deserved for your mistake, my friends I have wonderful news today. Jesus Christ can redeem you from your own mistakes and accidents.
How many times have you heard the phrase “Bigger Is Better”? Some people live by that […]
There is much that the Bible says concerning our emotions and thoughts. The reason for this […]