Welcome back to the second part of our series on how Jesus has conquered your sin. Last week we saw how sin is not primary a behavior or an action, but that sin actually goes much deeper; sin is an identity. The basic understanding of identity is crucial to comprehending what sin is, and how to conquer it. This is something that I’m quite familiar with, as I lived on both sides of the spiritual isle. I struggled against sin for many years, going as far as to keep a daily log and diary of my sin and failure. In this series, we are looking at a different perspective, and another way of conquering sin; a way not based on our efforts, but based on the finished work of Jesus Christ.
When discussing Grace, the topic of sin usually follows closely behind. It is difficult people to comprehend their new life in Christ, when sinful behaviors are prominently in view. This struggle leads many to embark on a war against sin; with the primary markers being: - Focusing on sin and behavior - Feelings of fear, doubt, and condemnation - Often consumed with guilt and unworthiness Those of you that are familiar with my testimony, know that I lived that way for many years. I was focused so greatly on my sin that I kept a daily record of each sinful action. Every day I felt worse, more condemned, and further away from God. And the more I tried to conquer sin, the more I failed, and deeper into the pit I went. So what does this all mean? Is sin an unconquerable foe? Not at all! What I want to share with you today is a different perspective, on how sin can be conquered, and has been conquered in Christ.
We recently concluded a series on obtaining spiritual victory, and we’ve learned quite a bit about how to stand our spiritual ground, and not allow a defeated foe to trample us under foot. It is a crucial lesson to learn how to stand and fight when it comes to spiritual battle and victory. It is equally important, however, to learn how to experience, enjoy and truly possess the victory once it is obtained. Today we will be exploring the vital topic of possessing your inheritance in victory, through Jesus Christ, because this is what the spiritual battle is truly about. Let’s get started!
One of my favorite accounts of healing in the scriptures is found in John chapter 9. In this chapter we see Jesus healing the man who was born blind. It is one of my favorites, not because of the scale or the scope of the healing, but rather because of what it teaches us. Jesus’ words regarding the blind man are very potent, and we often read passed them quickly to get to the healing itself, without absorbing and meditating on what He said. By doing this though, we miss something very critical to our understanding about God and the gift of healing that He gives. I’m excited to share this with you today. Let’s get started. 
Welcome back again to part five of our series on winning your spiritual battles. It has been quite a journey so far, and we’ve seen a lot of things that have strengthened us in Christ. We’ve learned how to stand firm in our spiritual identity by putting on the entire armor of God, and guarding against the spiritual lies of the enemy. Now today will continue examining the one unique piece of equipment given to us: the sword of the spirit, and how to use it to obtain spiritual victory in Christ Jesus.
Welcome back to the fourth part of our study on obtaining spiritual victory. Over the last few weeks, we’ve explored the intricacies of the spiritual battleground as explained in the scriptures. Last week we saw how God has given us His armor, for our protection and safety, and we also saw how much piece of that armor points to an aspect of Jesus and His complete sacrifice for us. Today we will be taking a look at the weapon given to us in our spiritual struggle. A supernatural sword, to be used against a spiritual foe; and it might be different than you think.
Welcome back to part three of our series on how to fight and win your spiritual battles, in Christ. Being “in Christ” is more than just a high-minded, ethereal idea, it is a reality of your present position and standing because of His finished work, and your reception of His payment for you. Last week we began looking at the armor of God with an overview of why the armor was given and where it comes from. Now today, we will continue by examining the pieces of God’s armor to understand their individual benefits, and how each pieces combines to be a fully effective whole unit.
Welcome back to part 2 of our study on fighting and winning your spiritual battles. In part one, we saw how the cross is not the end of Jesus’ work, and how we should proceed to receive everything that He paid to give us, including the indwelling of His Holy Spirit, and being seated with Him in authority and power. Today we look at what tools we have at our disposal, specifically the armor of God. People may remember being taught about the amor of God in Sunday school as a fun little lesson. But far from a childish topic that most people forget about, the armor of God is a crucial aspect of spiritual battle, and important enough for God to go into detail about in the scripture.
Does the subtitle of today’s study surprise you? Do I have your full attention? Don’t worry, this isn’t some kind of click-bait that is propagated all over the internet today. Instead, this is a spiritual reality and truth that we seem to have forgotten in modern Christianity, and it has the effect of weakening us in all areas of life. What I’m going to share with you today, is a truth that you can keep and take with you through the rest of your life. This truth is what is sorely lacking in Christianity today, and it is what is holding many of us back from experiencing spiritual victory.
Welcome back again to part three of our series on powerful belief. In part one, we looked at the prophetic report of Isaiah about what Jesus’ sacrifice accomplished for us. We also saw some of the common stumbling blocks that people struggle with when it comes to believing. In part two, we continued along that theme, and also saw how the words that we speak are connected with what we believe in our heart. Today, we put all of the pieces from the previous two weeks together, so if you haven’t yet read the last two studies, it might be helpful.  By the end of this study today, you will understand how to have truly powerful belief in Christ Jesus. Let’s get started.