Have you ever had someone tell you that you are worthless? Have you ever felt that […]
One of the phrases I have always heard repeated often by pastors, preachers and teachers of […]
Language can be a funny thing sometimes; where a certain group of words can take on […]
Many of us are probably familiar with the phrase “Sticks and stones can break my bones […]
Recently I’ve been meditating on the concept of doing things using our own strength versus doing […]
In today’s economy, more people than ever are struggling to make a living; charitable giving is […]
In eastern philosophy and in martial arts movies, an often heard phrase is that one must […]
Recently during the times when I rest, I have been exploring some old games on my […]
We have probably all at one point heard the old saying that the title of this […]
In many places the Bible instructs us to place God first in our lives, but I […]