The scripture verse of Isaiah 40:31 is fairly well known. There have been songs written about […]
There have been times when people have asked me to pray for them or to help […]
This ministry was founded on the scripture verses of John 15, and I think it is […]
Believers everywhere are always quick to acknowledge that Jesus is their Savior, and rightly so. They […]
A common idea among believers today, is to wait for the peace of God when deciding […]
How do you know when you truly love someone? Not just physical attraction, but deep sincere […]
When we think of freedom, many different things may come to mind: freedom from oppression, from […]
Recently we have been studying some advanced topics in scripture, and there have been many who have been coming here for a while and are some ways further established in the faith who have been getting blessed from these deeper studies. Today we are going to return to basics for the benefit of both those who are more experienced and new visitors. Regardless of which group you are in, you will get blessed and find answers in today's message; so please do not think just because you may have heard parts of this before that it can not benefit you.
The title of today’s teaching is not an accident. While we are fast approaching Father’s Day […]
Take a group of believers, and ask them what the Holy Spirit is for and you […]