There are many television shows and movies today about ghosts, spirits and everything having to do […]
So those of you that are here today, at least some of you are like me, […]
All around the world and in every culture, there are memorials. We generally think of a […]
Recently I had a conversation with someone who was really struggling in almost every area of […]
What do you have today? What do you need today? Usually when I ask this question […]
The title of this message is a bold statement to make. Some would say that to […]
Do you know the goodness of God? Generally when I ask people this question, I receive […]
Whenever we have the title of a message like the one we have today, it usually […]
One of the scripture verses that we often take for granted, is ironically, spoken of by […]
It would most likely be a fair assumption that at one time or another, each of […]