The message today is somewhat of a controversy in some circles, however it is so very […]
The Bible is a book of promises. Literally page after page is either listing promises, or […]
As humans, we often wonder why God does the things that He does. And we often question the manner in which He does them. This is a question I get asked a lot... “James, why did God do this? Why did He do it this way, when it would've been so much easier like that instead?” So since this is a very common question, I am gong to answer it today directly from scripture. If this was just my opinion or comments, it would not mean much, but since it is from scripture it is straight from God, and I believe this message will bless and free many of you today.
If we were to ask a random sampling of one-hundred believers how many scriptures they knew, […]
Those who have been coming here for a while know that the Bible is a picture-book […]
Do you know that God loves you? This seems like an almost silly question at first, […]
Among many Christian circles, The Holy Communion is still a bit of a mystery. It is […]
There are several descriptions for love in the Bible, the most famous and well-known verses being from 1st Corinthians 13. However this is an area where sadly, most believers stumble; thinking that they must somehow live up to this definition through their own struggling and effort. My friends, if you have been trying to love through your own will-power, or you simply want to find the true source of love, this message is for you today.
It’s a fair assumption that nearly everyone wants to be successful. There are a vast number […]
When asked what blessings Jesus has provided for those who believe on Him, a typical believer […]