There are many places in the Bible that speak of the safety and the security of […]
Do you know how very much God loves you? There is a popular idea of God today, that He is happy with us when we perform well and angry with us when we fail. My friends, this idea of God is not based on the Bible, and it has kept people in bondage and fear for a very long time. Today we will be dispelling this dark idea with the light of scripture. As we learn what the Bible actually says about God's love for us, the fear of a mean judge will be broken, and we will have a free, wonderful and loving relationship with our Father God in Christ Jesus.
A lot of people are familiar with sowing and reaping. They are terms most often used […]
As we have bee exploring the friendship and intimacy of God these past weeks, we have […]
What is your relationship with God? How do you think of Him? Many people have a […]
A well known phrase in the world is the saying that a friend in-need is a […]
Ever since the beginning, the enemy has had one deadly tactic: the strategy of placing a barrier between mankind and God. Now there is a variety of ways in which he can go about doing this, but none has been quite so effective among believers as the idea of having to become righteous before we can fellowship with God. This idea has caused great harm to both believers and potential believers, and it stops so many from even attempting to come to Jesus simply because they feel unworthy or that they are not clean enough yet. My friends, it's time that this idea be done away with once and for all. If you have been feeling or thinking the way that I have just described, then this message will set you free today.
If you’ve been coming here for a while now, you have most likely heard (or read) […]
Okay so last week, we looked at the ways of health and success in Proverbs 3, […]
It is safe to say that the two most sought after blessings in the Bible that […]