Have you ever thought that you needed to believe better in order to get something from God? Many believers (including myself in earlier years) have this idea that before we can receive from God we must believe perfectly – even though this idea is not what the Bible teaches. For a long time now, the enemy has used this artificial faith/belief barrier to keep people from receiving all of what Jesus Christ has paid for us to have. So today we will be exposing this deceitful lie of the enemy in the light of God's grace, so that you can see there is nothing standing between you and God today, not even your own faith.
Most of us can agree today that peace is a sought-after commodity. Everyone is looking for it, yet surprisingly few actually have it. There are many methods by which we can attempt to get more peace: aroma therapy, music, even neuroscience – none of which are bad – but they all lack one thing... a solid foundation on Jesus Christ whom the Bible calls the Prince of Peace. Today we will be studying the true rest and peace which God can bring. The same rest which caused Paul and Silas to rejoice and sing praises even in the lowest dungeon of prison, and the same peace and rest which can lead you out of your troubles today.
Have you ever made a mistake? Have you ever had an accident in your life, whether big or small? Chances are if you are human, you have had at least one. I know that I have made plenty of mistakes and had quite a few accidents, and also in times past I have felt really bad about those mistakes and accidents as well. If you have made a mistake or experienced an accident and have felt guilty about it or believed that the resulting negative consequence is what you deserved for your mistake, my friends I have wonderful news today. Jesus Christ can redeem you from your own mistakes and accidents.
How many times have you heard the phrase “Bigger Is Better”? Some people live by that […]
There is much that the Bible says concerning our emotions and thoughts. The reason for this […]
All throughout the Bible, a common theme is righteousness. Those who have it are blessed, those […]
Continuing our theme of prosperity, last week we examined the provisions that God has made for […]
This is a very important and special study today. It carries special significance because there is a lot of confusion and a lot of wrong believing in this particular area, and it is the area of how Jesus has made provisions for our prosperity. Now there are some people who immediately recoil at the mention of prosperity, and one of the main areas where there is a lot of wrong believing and a lot of wrong teaching is in the area of tithing. So today we are going to be studying tithing, and how Jesus has made provisions for us to prosper in every area of our life. And I believe that at the end of this study, many people's eyes are going to be opened and many chains are going to be broken in the area of finances and prosperity as a result of seeing the truth of Jesus in our lives today and specifically in this area.
There are a vast number of theories within various Christian circles when dealing with the subject […]
It is safe to say that most everyone has heard at least once about the importance of being humble. You may have read it in the Bible, or heard a pastor preach on it. You may have been taught it by your parents, or even learned it through a difficult life experience. Yet in my discussions with many people, I have noticed that the common idea of humility is not what the Bible definition of humility actually is. We tend to think of being humble as having a low opinion of ourselves, or self-debasement... but as you may have already guessed from the title of this message, God has something different and something much better in mind when He speaks of humility. This is what we will be looking at today.