Take a glass of water, and four other glasses, pour a bit into each and notice that the water level of the “source” has gone down. Continue to pour from the source into the other glasses and eventually your source glass will be empty. This is a natural outcome when a non-infinite source is used to supply a resource; after enough draw, the source will run-out. There are many believers today who are experiencing this emptiness in their lives. They feel run-down, empty, tired, and generally everything is a struggle. This is not the way that Jesus intends us to live, and so today we will be exploring how to receive His infinite supply into our lives, and move from self-effort to Divine rest, our true natural state in Christ.
A phrase that is often heard in Christian circles is “die to self”. It is an idea referenced many times throughout scripture and is a vital part in the life of a believer. Even so, there are still many Christians today who are still bound and struggling with self. Today we will be studying how Jesus Christ can truly free us from ourselves to live the life that God intended for each and every one of us to have.
Do you want to live a prosperous life? There are a surprising number of believers today who feel as though poverty is a sign of humility, and that God uses sickness to “teach them something”, but my friends this could not be any further from the truth. The Bible teaches that God is a God of abundance, of health and prosperity in every area. Why is it then that so many believers are living without these blessings? Immediately most would answer “sin”, but that also is not what the Bible states as the real answer. Today we will be studying how to live the truly prosperous life that Jesus came to give us, full of His abundance and favor. A life that honors Him by enjoying the riches of His grace.
The blood that Jesus shed for us is a remarkable thing. It is the ultimate shield and a protective vest greater than anything that we could possibly imagine. Yet many believers are failing to utilize this wonderful provision of Christ, mostly because they have never been taught about it or how to apply it to their lives. So today we will be studying what the blood of Jesus actually is and how to apply this marvelous security to our lives; thereby making full use of the provision that Jesus Christ has paid for us to have.
A birthright is defined as a right or privileges that are due to someone the moment he or she is born. It is usually associated with affluent citizens or royalty, a benefit of the upper-class of society. Did you know that you are also among this group of people and even surpass them in their class and status? You have a birthright waiting for you that entitles you to every blessing that God can give, and it's available right here and right now. Today we will be studying this birthright, along with why some people do not receive it, and how we can accept it into our lives.
I am a Grace person. I believe in the Grace of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love hearing about grace and discussing grace with others. However the message of grace has obtained a somewhat bad reputation, partly because of some wrong ideas and wrong beliefs, and also as a result of some people using God's grace as an excuse to live wrongly. These things have tarnished the wonderful work that God has done and stopped many people from receiving the free gift which Jesus came to give us. Today we will be examining the truth of the Grace of God; the real message of grace, and we will also be exposing the wrong beliefs about grace, so that we can fully see the truth and appreciate what Jesus has really done for us.
One of the most common questions is “Why do I not receive [request] from God?”. This question is usually asked sincerely, and in many cases from people who are genuinely hurting because of their lack. If left unanswered, these questions can actually lead to a total degeneration of faith because people will be left wondering why God never answered their heartfelt request. The trouble is that most of these questions do go unanswered in churches today. People are not taught because in most cases, the leaders are either afraid to teach about it, or in some cases are uninformed about the subject themselves. So today we will be answering the question of why people do not receive from God, and free many people from this question once and for all.
Preachers all over the globe have been shouting it, telling it and teaching it for centuries: Jesus must be Lord of our lives! Most believers today will be quick to acknowledge that, indeed Jesus is Lord of their lives, but have we ever truly stopped to consider what this statement means? Today we will be examining what it means to have Jesus as the Lord of our lives, and we will also explore how we can truly be led by Him into all the blessings that His Lordship garners for us.
There is a rather well-known verse of scripture in 2nd Corinthians 5:17 which states that “the old things have passed away and behold all things are become new”. Yet for many people it seems that we are still stuck in the old. Our old habits, our old desires and our old selves. Why is this so when the scripture is so clear about being a new creation, and how can we actually live this new life in Christ? Today we will be exploring this topic in detail to discover how we can move beyond the old self and let it truly die, and how we can fully embrace this new life that Jesus desires for us to live.
Usually when people look for Jesus in the Bible, the first thing that comes to mind is not the Old Testament Law. They may think of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) or they may think of His second-coming in Revelation. The Bible however is designed to show us Jesus from every angle and in every way – including the Old Testament. Every part of the Bible has the main purpose to show us Jesus, and we should never be afraid or intimidated to look at an area of scripture when we have this mindset. So today we will be examining some pictures of Jesus from the book of the law in the Bible. And as we see Jesus in this Old Testament book, we will come to have a new and greater appreciation for it, and it will open our understanding to other Old Testament books as well.