Faith. It's a common topic among believers. It has also become a kind of canned-response whenever someone asks about something... “Oh, you need to have faith!”, or “I just need to have more faith!”, but what exactly is faith? And how do we get faith? Today we will be studying these questions, and by the truth of the scriptures we will put an end to the confusion surrounding this essential element of the life of a believer.
A term that is used often in churches all across the world is “Born Again”. We must be born again, being born again is the answer, etc. However beyond the mere terminology, a surprisingly few number of believers actually understand what it means to be born again. It has become a buzzword that Christian-folk use, but the power behind the words have been lost. Today we will be studying what it truly means to be born again. As we see the power behind what Jesus was saying, it will create a new appreciation for the work which Christ has done for us.
Ask one-hundred random people what they believe the character of God is and you will receive close to one-hundred different answers. Throughout my years of speaking and counseling various people, I have noticed that they all have had one thing in common: a wrong belief about God. This wrong belief has served to hold them in bondage in an area of their life, because as we have learned in previous studies, we can only receive from Him and be set free to the level at which we see Jesus. So today we will be examining the life of Jesus and in doing so we will reveal the true heart of God; not what popular opinion merely says about Him, but His true character and nature straight from the scriptures of the Bible. Furthermore as we see His true nature, these wrong beliefs that have been holding so many people in bondage will be utterly destroyed in the light of the truth of Jesus which sets us free.
There are many children today who have absentee fathers. There are also quite a number of children who have never known their father at all. The role of the father in today's culture is often downplayed and even mocked in popular television shows. The father is often portrayed as a loser and a buffoon. However the Bible states that the role of the father is very important, and not to be taken lightly. Yet for those who have never known their father, either because he was never there to begin with, or because he was present physically but never embraced his role as a father, God has you well covered. Today we will be studying God's advice, which He gives to us freely as our loving Father. If you have never known the love of a father, you are not alone and you have not been forgotten. God is our ultimate Father, and this is not just a title of reverence, but a title of relationship, as we will be examining today.
Several years ago we conducted a superficial study on the LORD's Prayer. While that study in itself produced many good results, it is time now to go deeper into this wonderful prayer which Jesus gave as a teaching for us when asked about prayer. This prayer is so much more than a guideline to recite or repeat mindlessly as many believers do today, as it can actually show us the very character of God, and in so doing it can bless us in many ways. Today we will be studying this prayer in detail to see more of what Jesus intends for us to see, and appreciate these wonderful words spoken by Jesus to their fullest measure.
When asked the question “Do you want the blessings of God?”, most people would instinctively answer “Yes.” Those same people would be equally clueless about how to obtain those blessings, most likely because their leaders have never taught them. While this drought of instruction regarding such an important area of scripture is quite common, but it is not God's intention to leave people unaware of how to receive the blessings which Jesus has paid such a high price for us to have. So today we will be studying directly from scripture how to receive the blessings of God, and let His own Word teach us the truth we need to have prosperity in every area of life as He desires for us.
Have you ever heard a message on God's Holiness? If it is like any of the messages that I have heard in the past it was probably presented in a way that was terrifying. It most likely sounded something like this: “you had better get yourself in order because we serve a Holy God and He can't tolerate sin!”. It is absolutely true that God is Holy, and it is absolutely true that God can not tolerate sin – and I thank God that He can not! Have you ever heard a message portraying God's Holiness as a good thing? Have you ever stopped to consider that as a saved believer that His Holiness is a benefit for you? Today we will studying why we can rejoice today because God is Holy, and many people who have been afraid of this aspect of God, will fear no more, but rejoice in His Holiness from now on.
There is much debate in Christian circles today about the true Gospel, whether it is this doctrine or that doctrine; this message or that message. Of course every preacher thinks that his message is the right one. So how can we be sure that the message we are hearing is actually the message of God and not an invention or imagination of man? Today we will be studying ways to recognize the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, straight from the scriptures. By seeing the advice and criteria directly from the Word of God, we will not be open prey for false teachers or false doctrine any longer.
God exists – most believers are aware of this fact, yet there are still vast numbers of Christians who have yet to attain to the reality of God's presence in their daily lives. The scriptures speak often in a variety of ways regarding the ever-present nature of God, and in-fact one of the names of God is Immanuel, which translates to “God with us.” This is a very important principle for each and every believer today, and so we will be studying this point in detail to see how God can actually be with us all the time, and how this benefits us and our relationship with Him.
We are told by Jesus in John 8:32, that knowing the truth makes us free. Most people know this verse, but what truth are we to know, and what are we being released from? My friends, there are many strongholds that keep people in bondage today, and Jesus wants us to be free from all of them. Yet there are many people who do not even realize that they are being held. Those that do, have no idea how to become free. Today we will be studying how to break these strongholds and live the free life that Jesus intends for us to live. If you have been looking for breakthrough in an area of your life today, then you will find your answer here today.