When we hear the word “fornication”, or as some scripture translations put it “sexual immorality”, our thoughts tend to focus immediately on the physical act of sex outside of marriage. It’s understandable, and in-fact normal for us to think of that. It is true that sex outside of marriage is not in any way ideal, nor is it beneficial… in-fact it is harmful in many ways; it’s just plain not a good idea. However, I would like to direct your attention to a much deeper kind of “fornication”, a kind that I believe the scriptures speak about in a variety of ways, but it is often overlooked because we are so quick of focus on the physical act, that we miss the spiritual act – and this is a mistake, because the physical is not the root of the issue, but the root is in the spiritual. As we examine this truth today, in the light of the finished work of Jesus Christ, through the lens of Grace, I believe that chains will be broken, and eyes will be opened to see the truth of Christ, even when the scriptures speak on something so often assumed to be purely carnal, such as fornication.
You will know them by their fruit; The words of Jesus in Matthew 7:16, are often quoted in isolation, and many times in a judgmental way when looking at the deeds and works of others… “Haven’t you seen everything that this guy is doing? Jesus said you will know them by their fruit!” is what is commonly said, when being critical of others. This kind of judgmental examining of people’s performance is not what Jesus had in mind when he said these words, however. And as we examine the additional things He said along with verse 16, we can see this clearly. So what I want to share with you today, is what the often misunderstood verse of scripture truly means, and by seeing it, we will see another amazing aspect of Jesus Christ.
Jesus is perfect. As believers that statement might not be too surprising. Most Christians would say “Amen” to it, and agree with the statement without thinking twice. Yet in practice there are some areas where we don’t take into account just how very deep His perfection runs. For example, let me ask you a simple question: If you could obey the Law of Moses perfectly, would you be righteous? Most of the Christians that I have discussions with, would answer “yes”, and indeed many are trying to do exactly that… they are trying to continually improve their behavior to align to what they call the “moral law” (even though the Law of Moses really has no divisions or separate categories). Additionally, many of the Christians that I speak with, believe that this is all that Jesus did; they believe that the reason Jesus was the perfect sacrifice was because He simply kept the Law of Moses perfectly. And what I want to share with you today, is the fact that Jesus’ perfection is so much deeper than that! I want to expand your vision and broaden your horizon to see much more of His perfection than what is generally seen. And as you see the perfection of Jesus today, you will be able to more fully appreciate what He has accomplished for you.
Anyone who has listened to these studies before, knows that our identity in Christ is my main topic… I speak on our identity as New Creations in Christ Jesus more than any other, because it is one of the most neglected aspects of life in Christ – and sadly it’s the foundation of it – it’s the very essence of what Jesus accomplished for you. He has allowed you to be “born again” He has completely regenerated you, from the inside out. And most people are unaware of it. So I often speak about and study our identity. And today, I would like to show you a practical example in scripture, of this change taking place in the very father of faith, known as Abraham, back when he was just known as Abram. And as we see this happening, we can see how God changed his entire perspective, in the same way that we have studied in the past – and by seeing this you will have a better understanding of what it means to live your new identity in Christ Jesus today.
here are a lot of opinions about the discipline of God. Some believe that He discipline’s His children with sickness, disease, pain and suffering. That’s actually a very common idea among many Christians. Other’s believe that God doesn’t discipline His children at all. Which one is true? Well, it might be difficult to come to an honest conclusion unless we start with the finished work of Christ. Because that absolutely must be the foundation of everything. As long as we start with Jesus Christ, we will have a proper perspective with which to examine this topic. The truth of the matter is, neither opinion is correct in the New Covenant under Grace in Christ. God does discipline His children, however He does not discipline them with sicknesses, diseases or pain and suffering. Having me just tell you that though, won’t mean anything unless you can see it for yourself in the scriptures; so today we will be taking a look at exactly how God disciplines His children today, and why you don’t need to be afraid of sickness, disease or pain and suffering as a result of it.
The parable (or story) of the Ten Virgins is one of the parables told by Jesus regarding the Kingdom of Heaven. It has been used in the past as a fearful thing. I have heard preachers say “You had better watch out! You had better be afraid, because Jesus could return at any moment, and if you’re not careful, you will be left behind!”. Now I will readily admit, that there is a warning in this parable, but to turn what Jesus said into a fear-mongering sermon would be a gross perversion of what Jesus was actually saying here… because not only did Jesus give a warning, but He also gave amazing words of life, so that you do not need to be afraid or to fear! What I want to share with you today, is the amazing truth about the Parable of the Ten Virgins, and how it all really revolves around Jesus. By seeing this truth, we do not need to be in needless fear any longer.
A very old scam with a long history, is called the “Bait-and-Switch”, were people are promised goods or services at a substantial discount, and then later come to find out that what they were promised is either not available, or not as good as was originally expected. The customers are then often highly-pressured to consider more expensive items instead of what they were originally promised. In the United States, such actions are generally considered to be “false advertising” and many lawsuits have been filed over the years for such practices. So it saddens me when I see people falling victim to the exact same type of bait-and-switch tactics in modern Christianity. There’s a lot of this going on today and most people don’t even realize that it’s happening to them. In many ways it happens very slowly and subtly, over a period of years, and it ruins people’s spiritual lives. Well, the scriptures are not shy in warning about it, and so today I want to share with you some common bait-and-switch tactics in Christianity that I have come across, and how you can avoid them by knowing the truth of Jesus Christ.
In my past, I lived a life in deep fear. It was crippling, it was debilitating, and it caused me to miss out on many things, many pleasant experiences, and many years with family and friends. Things that I couldn’t enjoy because of my fear. Fear that was totally and completely irrational – but it didn’t seem to be so at the time, because I was believing a lie instead of the truth. Jesus said, in John 8:32, that you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free. And we have studied that in the past before; but many misinterpret that to mean “you shall know things about the law” – when the people that Jesus was speaking to were Jews… they already knew the Law – and while the Law was true, it was not “the Truth” that would make them free. The truth that will make them (and us) free today is not about religion, rules, traditions or the laws of the old covenant. The truth that will make us free, is specifically the truth of Jesus Christ, what He has accomplished, and your identity in Him today. That is an identity of His beloved, an identity of His perfect righteousness, and holiness, an identity completely safe and secure in Christ. That is your identity today. And what I want to share with you in this study, is how knowing the truth of His perfect love, can shatter your fears today.
We all want to improve. It’s natural to want to be better, do better, achieve greater things. This natural desire drive us to constantly strive farther, higher, to reach beyond perceived limits. It has fueled the creation of new inventions and discoveries, and caused us to explore new ground and even beyond our planet. There is one area though, where this natural desire can get us into trouble… and that is the area of our spiritual identity. Because we tend to judge our standing and our progress by our performance; by the things that we achieve, or how good we are doing presently. And when we seem to have failed, our natural reaction is to become depressed, discouraged, even angry, and then clench our fist even tighter and declare “This time I’ll do better!” – and we get ourselves into a vicious cycle of determination, failing, guilt, and then back to determination. And it repeats over and over again. What I want to share with you today, is how to break that cycle. Many people are deceived into thinking that if they just try hard enough, or focus more, they can get out of it themselves… but that is actually part of the trap. The way out doesn’t come by your strength, effort or force of will, but through knowing the truth of Jesus Christ that makes you free. As you see this truth, you will finally be able to break out of this performance-driven cycle, and be free to live and love, through the finished work of Jesus Christ.
Psalms 91 is one of the greatest Psalms for those who believe on Jesus Christ, because it is a detailed list showing us all of the many ways in which God demonstrates His love for us – and what the finished work of Christ has given to us, even in this life. In Part 1 of our study, we looked at the foundation: our personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our connection to Him, our oneness with Him – as mentioned in verse 1. In Part 2 last week, we looked at the many gifts and blessings that are included in that relationship in verses 2 through 14. Now today, in this third and final part of our study on Psalms 91, we conclude by completing the circle, as this all returns once again to our relationship with Jesus Christ, our personal connection with Him, as we see the final blessings and marvelous promises for us, found in the final verses of the chapter, verses 15 and 16.