There is a persistent idea, and ideology among some Christians, that has been around for quite some time actually, which says that as believers, we must maintain a certain level of guilt and shame. That every time we fail in our behaviors or fall short in our performance, that it is right and proper to feel guilty, and be ashamed, and that to not feel these things indicates some level of depravity – or worse that we have a seared conscience, and God has given us over to a carnal mind (whatever term they use, it’s the same underlying idea). I have heard these ideas over and over again. They often seem as though they are “holy” and “right”, and anyone who doesn’t agree is a heretic. However is this what the scriptures actually teach? Is the perspective of perpetual guilt and shame based on our behaviors and performance, truly biblical? Is this the abundant life and freedom and peace that Jesus died for us to have? That’s the question that we need to answer – and we will answer it today in this study.
There’s an interesting group of verses in James chapter 1; a stipulation regarding asking God for things, the verses end with the pointed statement that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. That seems like a fairly serious thing to be… but what exactly does it mean to be double-minded? If we don’t understand the term, how do we really know if we are double-minded? How can we avoid double-mindedness? It’s important to understand this, not only for our own peace-of-mind, but also so that we can actually receive things from God… because He truly does want us to receive His gifts, but double-mindedness can stop us. So today we are going to explore this, and answer these questions… as always in the light of the finished work of Jesus Christ.
Romans chapter 5 verse 11 contains an interesting statement. The verse reads: “And not only so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received reconciliation.” The verse reads: “And not only so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received reconciliation.” And it led me to this line of thought and question: What does it mean to be reconciled? And do we honestly rejoice in our reconciliation? Sure, we may hear talk about rejoicing, but how often do we even think about our reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ? If we are honest with ourselves, many times we act and think as if we still have not been reconciled at all! So today in this study, we are going to explore this topic and answer these questions, because Paul spends quite a bit of time explaining this – not without reason – he clearly wants us to know and understand the precise reason and foundation for why we can truly rejoice in God.
The title of today’s study might seem a bit silly at first, but it’s meant to cause us to honestly stop and think. Each of us carries with us a certain perspective of God – a perspective that has been shaped by the events of our life, the doctrines and traditions we have learned, and the general thoughts and feelings that we have on a day-to-day basis. The question found in the title of today’s study, is one that each of us must ask… Do we actually see Jesus as a provider? – because it is one of the ways which He has clearly revealed Himself. A provider in every single way and sense of the word. In some cases, there has been push-back against the idea of seeing Jesus as a provider, because they say “it makes God into a genie” – some have felt that it is flat-out wrong to ask God for things, or that it is somehow greedy, selfish or worldly. Others have been taught that God really doesn’t care about provision, because that is too carnal, and God only cares about spiritual things. But again, is that how He has revealed Himself? Is that the picture He has painted Himself as in the scriptures? Today we will take a look at the picture of Jesus as a provider, as demonstrated in scripture, and see a crucial aspect of Himself, that is sometimes ignored, but one that He wants us to see and receive, as much as any other.
The Joy of the Lord… we hear a lot about it. One of the more famous scripture verses is Nehemiah 8:10, which says that the joy of the LORD is your strength. There are even famous hymns and worship songs sung in church buildings all across the world about the joy of the Lord. But what exactly is the joy of the Lord? How do we know if we have it? And if we don’t have it, how then do we get it? In this study today, we will answer these important questions, as always from the scriptures, and from the foundation and perspective of the finished work of Jesus Christ
Welcome back again to the fourth and final part of our series of studies on Spiritual Tongues, probably one of the most misunderstood, and as a result feared and disregarded gifts which the Spirit of God gives to us, His children. By now, you should have a firm grasp of what Tongues are, and the three different types of Tongues which are described for us in the scripture, as well as the individual purpose and blessing of each of them. Now in this final part of the study, we will finish chapter fourteen of 1st Corinthians, as Paul now lays out some rules of order for the public use of Tongues, and some final thoughts on the subject for all of us to see, regarding the gift of Tongues.
Welcome back to part 3 of our study on Spiritual Tongues. In the first two parts of this study, we looked (appropriately) at the first two types and forms of tongues that Paul described in the first nineteen verses of 1st Corinthians 14 – the private, personal tongue, and the public, prophetic tongue with interpretation. We saw the distinctions and individual use and purpose of each of those… and how neither of them are “useless” but how each has a specific purpose and benefit. Now today in this study, we will be continuing with 1st Corinthians 14, as we see Paul begin to transition to the third type and form of Spiritual Tongues, which is the evangelistic tongue. Where a person can speak another human language (one which they do not know), for the purpose of sharing Christ and the message of His Gospel to unbelievers who need to hear it. We see this most clearly in the book of Acts chapter 2. This type of tongues is no more or less valuable than any of the previous two types, and like the others, it has its place, its purpose, and its benefit, which we will see today.
In our previous study, we began looking at the foundation of spiritual tongues, and we also started to see a distinction being made between the different types of spiritual tongues: the first was the private personal tongue which is not for public consumption, but intended for private edification and giving thanks to God, personally. The second, was a public prophetic tongue (tongues with interpretation), which is intended for public edification, exhortation and comfort of the assembly. So thus-far we have seen two distinct types of spiritual tongues, each with a distinct purpose. Now today in this continuing study, we will further examine the scriptures, and see more regarding these tongues, because there is a great benefit and blessing which God has given both of these two of the three types of tongues, that often gets missed (or dismissed) because of lack of understanding and fear in many cases.
Few other topics among Christian communities are more confusing and controversial, then the topic of tongues; spiritual tongues to be precise. There are countless different positions, doctrines and theologies regarding tongues – their existence, their purpose, and the forms which they take or don’t take. In-fact there are so many different positions, that most people don’t even know what they believe regarding tongues at all! The scriptures however, do not leave us guessing about tongues – in-fact God wants us to know and understand the wonderful gift which He has given to us; and to receive it for all that it is worth. That’s why, in this study today, we will cut through all of the man-made opinions, theologies and doctrines, and see the truth of tongues as the scriptures defines it. And by seeing this, you will see tongues for what it really is, and the marvelous gift of God, made possible in Christ Jesus, by His Spirit.
God is a giver. In-fact every good and perfect gift comes from Him. Some of us may be familiar with the scriptures that speak on this point, but how often do we truly stop to consider the implications of what they are saying? Do we really believe and understand that every good gift actually comes from God? In this study today, I would like to share with you just how deep and wonderful this truth of God actually is; and as we see it together, we will be able to appreciate the ultimate gift of Jesus Christ and His Grace, all the more.