Welcome back to the final part of our series about how because of the finished work of Jesus Christ, your healing is unstoppable! We’ve had quite a journey over the past month, and we’ve seen quite a lot of things! And today is going to be just as great, because for the climax of our series, we are going to crush one of the most prevalent false beliefs regarding healing: that you will not get healed because God is testing you.
This is one that I have heard over and over again, and it’s a big hindrance and a stumbling-block for a lot of people.
So today, we are going to set all of the theology of man aside, and look directly at Jesus, and what He has said regarding testing and trials, and through this we will be able to see clearly how and why your healing is indeed unstoppable!
Welcome to the fourth part of our series of studies on how because of the finished work of Christ, your healing is unstoppable.
So far, we’ve already seen some things that that have greatly strengthened both our faith and our belief:
In part one, we saw how sinful deeds cannot stop our healing, and we destroyed a big stronghold for a lot of people regarding this common false belief that sin can stop or block our healing.
Next, in part two, we continued this theme by seeing how living in a sinful world also cannot stop our healing, which is another common false belief, closely related to the first one.
Then in part three we moved to a more internal level, as we examined how our new identity in Christ is a fundamental principle of why our healing is unstoppable.
Now today in this fourth part, we are going to examine another popular idea… what about having not enough faith? Can having a lack of faith stop healing? Join me today, as we answer this important question.
Welcome back again to our series on how your healing in unstoppable. Last week we saw how the fact that we exist in a sinful world, cannot really stop or hinder our healing in any way because of the fact that we have been placed into a New Covenant, and we have been given a new status and title – even the right to approach the Father in the Name of Jesus. And we ended last week by looking at the verse of 1st John 4:17, which tells us that even our very identity and nature has been changed; which many people are not even aware of.
Today we are going to explore this fact in more detail, as we continue seeing how because of the finished work of Christ, your healing is indeed unstoppable.
Welcome back to the second part of our series looking at the truth of your healing, and the biblical reality that because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the truth that your healing is unstoppable.
Last week we took an honest look at the “sin problem”, and we answered the question of whether sinful deeds could actually impede or stop your healing… and I would encourage everyone to view that study if they have any doubts regarding healing and sin.
Today we are going to continue this theme, and look at a related argument regarding healing, which is healing is not guaranteed, and sickness is inevitable, because we live in a sinful world.
Much like what we looked at last week regarding sinful deeds stopping healing, this idea about a sinful world stopping healing is just as common – and just as crippling when it comes to healing, and so we will be examining it today in this study.
Healing, specifically physical healing is one of those topics that is generally not very well understood. To some, it is little more than a nice thought, a fantasy or a dream. To others it is a false doctrine. And still others are unsure about what the truth regarding healing is.
You can imagine how all of this confusion would make it very frustrating for anyone who is sick, to seek any kind of help from God? Where should a person turn? What could a sick person even expect? How can they have any confidence at all? It’s enough to lead a person into a pit of despair.
So today, I want to share with you some information, based on the finished work of Jesus Christ, which will encourage you in the fact that not only is healing made available to you through Jesus, but as the title of the study declares, your healing is actually unstoppable.
Welcome again to part 6 of our study on seeing pictures of Jesus – different aspects of Him and His finished work for us – in the Beatitudes.
Now we are nearing the end, and we have been purposefully taking this slowly and with great care, because specifically the Beatitudes are very often mis-used as a legalistic barrier, a veil that keeps us from seeing or fully-embracing our new identity in Christ Jesus; and He never intended the Beatitudes (or any of His teaching) to be used in that fashion. That’s part of what the Pharisees were doing with the Old Covenant Law, and Jesus always corrected them strongly for it.
So today we continue looking at pictures of Jesus in the Beatitudes, as we pick-up where we last left off in part 5.
Alright! Welcome again to part 5 of our series of studies about seeing pictures of Jesus in the Beatitudes.
We have been taking our time and moving slowly through the Beatitudes, and we are taking this approach purposefully, because not only does it allow us to focus on one specific picture of Jesus at a time, and therefore dig deeper into it; but this slower pace is also beneficial because so often the beatitudes are seen as a list of rules to try and live for and towards, rather than as the pictures of Jesus and aspects of our new identity in Him today.
So today, we continue where we last paused in part 4, as we see more pictures of Jesus, and our new identity in Him.
Welcome to part four of our series on seeing pictures of Jesus in the Beatitudes. So far we are about half way through, and we have already seen some fascinating and very awesome portraits of Jesus.
And so we will continue today, along the same path, because seeing Jesus is it the very core of our relationship and union with Him, and it benefits us – which is why the pictures are there to begin with. Think about it… Jesus doesn’t share pictures of Himself for His own benefit. God is not a megalomaniac – but rather He shares pictures of Himself with us for our benefit; because as we see more of Him, we can further appreciate and understand what He has accomplished for us, and in doing so, we can further so our new identity in Christ, and our standing in Him.