Welcome back to part 2 of our study on fighting and winning your spiritual battles. In part one, we saw how the cross is not the end of Jesus’ work, and how we should proceed to receive everything that He paid to give us, including the indwelling of His Holy Spirit, and being seated with Him in authority and power.
Today we look at what tools we have at our disposal, specifically the armor of God. People may remember being taught about the amor of God in Sunday school as a fun little lesson. But far from a childish topic that most people forget about, the armor of God is a crucial aspect of spiritual battle, and important enough for God to go into detail about in the scripture.
Does the subtitle of today’s study surprise you? Do I have your full attention? Don’t worry, this isn’t some kind of click-bait that is propagated all over the internet today. Instead, this is a spiritual reality and truth that we seem to have forgotten in modern Christianity, and it has the effect of weakening us in all areas of life.
What I’m going to share with you today, is a truth that you can keep and take with you through the rest of your life. This truth is what is sorely lacking in Christianity today, and it is what is holding many of us back from experiencing spiritual victory.
Welcome back again to part three of our series on powerful belief. In part one, we looked at the prophetic report of Isaiah about what Jesus’ sacrifice accomplished for us. We also saw some of the common stumbling blocks that people struggle with when it comes to believing.
In part two, we continued along that theme, and also saw how the words that we speak are connected with what we believe in our heart.
Today, we put all of the pieces from the previous two weeks together, so if you haven’t yet read the last two studies, it might be helpful. By the end of this study today, you will understand how to have truly powerful belief in Christ Jesus. Let’s get started.
Welcome back to the second part of our study on belief. In part one, we began looking at some of the challenges that we often face when it comes to believing, and the prophetic report of Isaiah, outlining the sacrifice of Jesus, and the redemption that He brought.
Today we will continue this discussion by seeing more of what Jesus Christ has accomplished for us, and how to allow Him to increase our faith and belief as we look directly at Him.
The last couple of weeks, we’ve been examining perspectives and how we see Jesus from a practical standpoint. We’ve seen the importance of looking at Jesus with the proper spiritual lenses, with a proper understanding of what He has accomplished, and your spiritual identity in Him.
Today, we will be transitioning into a tangental, but equally essential topic of belief — specifically belief on Jesus, and how to have truly powerful belief that leads to spiritual victory.
Join me today, as I’m excited to share this topic with you!
Welcome back to part 2 of our study on perspectives and why having the right perspective matters – especially concerning Jesus and His gospel. We began last week by looking at some of the dangers and consequences of having a weak perspective of Jesus, and how that can actually hinder our receiving from Him because of our own unbelief.
Now today we will continue by examining how the scriptures describe Jesus and what a strong perspective of Him truly looks like. As we see this, we will open our eyes to His marvelous glory and be ready to receive everything that He has paid for us to have.
Perspectives are important. The way that we look at things and the angle in which we see them shapes our view, our thoughts, and our feelings. The most important perspective that anyone could ever have, is their perspective of God, and His gospel. The way that we see things can influence the position that we take or the steps that we make.
We touched on this a little bit about a month ago as part of another subject, but this topic is crucial enough that it warrants its own study. Our perspectives specifically of God, His Gospel, and our position in Christ Jesus can literally make or break us.
So today we are going to explore our perspectives regarding Jesus and His gospel, because the scriptures are not silent on this subject; in-fact, proper perspectives are quite important – let’s find out why.
Spend some time in a traditional church building or setting, and you will inevitably come across James 1:22. This famous scripture verse encourages us to be doers of the word and not merely hearers.
When I was younger, I was told that this scripture meant that I should be working hard to please God and to honor Him, and it created a form of bondage in my mind. Whenever I wasn’t working for God, I felt like I was letting Him down or that He was displeased. At deeper levels, such ideas could even cause a person to question their salvation.
So today we are going to have a discussion regarding what it means to be a doer of the word, and the answers we find may not be what you expect.
Works versus grace has been a long-held debate among people inside the walls of church buildings. Such a discussion is supremely important, because it strikes at the heart of our union and relationship with God. Are we saved by works which we perform, or is salvation purely an act of God’s grace? Or is salvation some kind of synergy between our God’s grace mixed with our works?
Your response to this question will change absolutely everything about your relationship with God, how you interact with Him, and what you can expect from Him.
Today we will be exploring the most important aspect of our relationship with God, salvation, to answer the question of whether salvation is earned by our works, or is received as a gift from God.
Welcome back to part 2 of our series on blessings in the Kingdom of God. Last week we saw how much God cares for us, which can be a sticking-point for people who see God as more of a judge than a loving Father.
We also saw how the Kingdom of God is not something that we strive toward or reach for, but in-fact the Kingdom comes to us, through Jesus Christ. If you haven’t yet watched the previous study, I would encourage you to see that study first as we will be continuing upon that foundation today.
In this study, we will be looking at blessings and how they come to us, and also in what measure they come to us – the reality is greater than what we often think.