On this glorious Resurrection day, I encourage you to remember the words of Colossians 2:11-13: In […]
In the previous two parts of this series we examined a list of items in Colossians 2:8 of things we should be wary of because they can take us captive.
We saw how the dangerous items in that list, aren’t so much physical but mental; they are deceptive thoughts, arguments, and errant beliefs. While there are many of those which are brazenly obvious today, other are more subtle, even creeping their way inside churches, and into the speech, and minds of Christians.
Today, we will dive into this particular area of subtle captivity, as we continue exploring how to not be taken captive.
Last week we began looking at a list of items in Colossians 2:8, which describes things that can take us captive; mentally and spiritually. Those who were paying close attention might have noticed that I left one item unmentioned… the rudiments of the world.
That wasn’t accidental, but this particular item deserves special attention, as this week we delve deeper into the details of the the crucial list of Colossians 2:8.
The rudiments of the world is of particular interest to the Christian seeking victory, so it’s not surprising that it doesn’t get a lot of attention. Our spiritual enemy has done a remarkable job keeping such things hidden. But today we’ll unveil the truth of scripture that the enemy tries so hard to keep hidden.
Welcome to part 3 of Healing, Faith, Facts and Feelings. The last few weeks we’ve explored the foundation of faith, the reason behind why we can trust in God’s healing; and we also saw how God’s facts can and should change our perspective of our circumstances.
Now today we deal with the most destructive feelings of all guilt, shame, and condemnation.
Last week we began a new series on healing — specifically regarding the three primary components, faith, facts, and feelings.
We spent a lot of time in part one dealing with the foundation of knowing God’s will, because that’s one of the most common areas of doubt for many believers. I’m not going to go over that again today, so if you haven’t yet seen part one, here’s a link for you to see part one first, and then return here for part two.
Today we’ll continue from last week’s principal of Jesus being the revealed will of God, and discuss how to practically apply that knowledge in daily living.
Few Christian ideas stir up emotions, debate, and confusion as healing. Some say that healing died with the last apostle, others believe that healing never really happened at all, and it is just an allegory for spiritual salvation in the Bible. And of-course some, believe that healing continues today.
I believe that healing still exists today, as a gift of God’s grace empowered by His Spirit.
But obviously, each group of people believes that they are correct. So, is there a way to know what’s right? Is there a definitive answer? Let's explore the answer together.
You’ve probably heard me mention before that the entire Bible is ultimately about Jesus. Every phrase, every story, every detail shows us something about Him, His nature, His character, His goodness, His mercy, grace and love, and of course, His sacrificial work on the cross.
Welcome back to the third installment of our series on recognizing God’s leading and His voice.
A lot of people are looking for guidance and good direction… who better to ask than someone who truly knows everything?
God has perfect knowledge and can see the end from the beginning… but we often have trouble hearing or recognizing his voice from the multitude of messages we receive every minute.
Some have argued that if God is so perfect, why can’t he make it so everyone hears him all the time?
Well, that’s a fair question. Would it surprise you to learn that the instructions for hearing Gods voice have been in the scripture all this time?
In the previous two parts of this series, we laid the crucial foundation of grace in the new covenant through Jesus Christ; if you haven’t yet seen those two segments, please watch those before watching this part, as we will be building onto what we learned previously, as we explore the application of hearing God’s voice.
Let’s get started!
Welcome back to the second part in a series exploring how to recognize God’s leading and direction. There are many theories floating around in Christian communities regarding God’s leading, ranging from the common to the obscure, causing a lot of confusion, but the only thing we’re interested in here is what the scripture says. Because to know what God is saying to us, we first need to know how He communicates. If we don’t understand the basics of this, then we are left wide open to all manner of deception.
In part one, we touched on the subject of “placing God in a box” unduly, and also how God placed some restrictions on Himself based on His covenant promises. The scriptures teach us the proper way to communicate with God and how to recognize His leading in our lives, so let’s dive into these ideas further and let the scriptures instruct us on how this works.
We all have GPS apps on our smart devices these days. Our phones, watches, tablets, and cars all tell us exactly how to get from one place to another. Modern GPS not only guides you from point A to point B, but also helps you avoid delays, hazards, tolls, and even warns of speed traps. Without a GPS, many of us would be left wandering around aimlessly in unfamiliar territory.
GPS today is similar to the ancient idea of a shepherd, guiding their flock to a particular destination and guarding them from traps and harm. But what happens if you don’t hear or understand the directions?
A lot of people find God’s leading confusing or indecipherable… and that can be extraordinarily frustrating. However the scriptures and Jesus Himself give straightforward instructions for clearly identifying the directions of our divine shepherd. The trouble is that typical religious thinking and indoctrination has clouded the issue and muddied the spiritual waters, making things more complicated and mysterious than they truly are. So today we’ll be cutting through all of that to see the where God is directing, without religion getting in the way.