When we think of freedom, many different things may come to mind: freedom from oppression, from tyranny, from depression, from captivity.
And of course as we are approaching Independence Day in America, we remember all of our brave service men and women who have fought and died for the freedoms that we enjoy – and they continue to do so.
Yet the Bible tells us that there is an even deeper freedom than all of these things. And many people who are free on the outside are still held captive on the inside. Today, and appropriately as we near our day of freedom, that we will study the freedom offered to us by Jesus Christ.
As many people can testify to, inner peace is a very valuable thing. People can be resting on the outside and be struggling terribly on the inside. How many of us have laid awake at night, in a completely peaceful environment but unable to sleep because there is turmoil on the inside of us. The Bible speaks often of true freedom; that is freedom on the inside of us. While we cannot possibly cover every single scripture on freedom in the time that we have today, we are going to cover the scripture in which the title of today’s message is based from, John 8:36:
“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”
Jesus here of course is speaking of His redemptive work on the cross. His work on the cross sets us free from oppression, depression and captivity in our spirits. The more we see of His completed work, the more we are set free from the guilt, shame, condemnation, fear, worry and stain of sin.
How do we see more of Jesus? We must fill our lives with Him. Learn about Him, ask for wisdom, He will surely give freely to all who ask of Him.
I know that many people find the Bible difficult to read, but quite honestly it is because of the way that they are reading it. Some people read the Bible and they see nothing but a large book of rules; of Do’s and Don’ts… but my friends, this is not what the Bible was meant to show us.
Think of the scripture above. Jesus has not come to burden us with rules, but He has come to set us free! And not only free, but free indeed!
The Law and the Ten Commandments were not meant to make us free; they were not intended to save us, but they were intended to show us that we need a Savior, and praise the Lord that Savior came in the person of Jesus Christ!
When you read the Bible, it is a mistake to read it looking for “things to do”, instead read it looking to learn more of Jesus and how He has set you free. We cannot save ourselves by doing more, but we can receive our salvation by Christ Jesus.
Today when I read the Ten Commandments, I don’t say “boy I really missed that one today!”, I read them and say “thank you Jesus that you saved me from all my sins and bore my punishment so that today I am free!”.
The only one who will bring you under condemnation today is the enemy, Satan. He is the accuser, not God. God exhausted all of His punishment and wrath for your sins and mine on the body of Jesus Christ. There is no anger or wrath left as far as God is concerned.
Knowing this truth is what enables us to truly love God… We can’t love someone if we don’t know about them and what they have done. But once we see God for His true glory and love for us, then we can love Him in return and truly mean it from our hearts!
Thank you LORD that you have made us free indeed!
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