Recently we have been studying some advanced topics in scripture, and there have been many who have been coming here for a while and are some ways further established in the faith who have been getting blessed from these deeper studies. Today we are going to return to basics for the benefit of both those who are more experienced and new visitors. Regardless of which group you are in, you will get blessed and find answers in todays message; so please do not think just because you may have heard parts of this before that it can not benefit you.

I was talking to a gentleman who quite frankly asked me with sincerity why Jesus is necessary. He explained to me how he didn’t understand the purpose of Jesus, why Jesus is more than just a “good teacher”, and why there is no salvation apart from Jesus.

This man had in-fact read the Bible many times, but became disillusioned with Christianity because his local church was not answering the deep questions within his heart. The fact that this man asked me the question to begin with shows his honesty in seeking answers – and it also shows how his local church was not teaching Jesus very well, as many churches today are not doing so.

The church is not a place to teach psychology, nor is it a place to teach morality without foundation. The church is not a place for politics, nor is it a place to condemn people. And if you are a leader today hearing or reading this, let me tell you – The church is a place to teach Jesus, we must always tell people of Jesus. He is the foundation the cornerstone, the basis on which morality is grown. Not by burning the Ten Commandments in people’s minds and sending them away more condemned and burdened than when they came; but to teach them of Jesus and have their burdens removed!

This man is a perfect example of the damage a non-Jesus preaching church can do to a soul. Now of course, I took the time to answer his questions, and now I am going to answer the question here as well, because have a sense that his question is not unique to him but there are many who actually wonder the same thing whether or not they choose to admit it publicly as this man did.

We may not get through this all in one session because of time… but if we do not, keep coming back, keep hearing, keep reading, because this is one place which you will learn about Jesus every week.

Now to the answer…

We must understand the concept of sin. It came as a result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience. We have all descended from Adam’s seed. And therefore are all sinful by nature. We have sin in us whether me like it or not. That desire to do wrong even when we know it is wrong, or even to sin by accident. To let a cuss-word slip without even thinking, for example. That is our sin nature showing itself.

God is just, and He is holy. Things that are holy can not have any connection with things that are unholy; to do so would corrupt the holy thing. Therefore the moment that Adam sinned, him and all of his seed (us, you and I), were cut off from God… not because he hates us, but because of this sin nature now in us.

God is also just, meaning that sin had to be punished, but God loves us, so He doesn’t want to doom us to eternal separation from Him in hell. Yet at the same time He knows that we can not keep His law (the Ten Commandments) because of the very sin nature within us now. So what hope is there for us?

God knew that there was only one who could keep the Law… one who was incorruptible, one who knew no sin and had no sin nature. God Himself.

This was the whole point of Jesus’ virgin birth…. Mary, a virgin… took within herself not the seed of a sinful man, but Seed from the Holy Spirit. Therefore there was no corruption. Now Jesus being both God and man, was able to live a perfectly sinless life, never knowing sin and never being corrupted.

And then, the plan for our salvation was executed. You see between the time of Adam’s fall, and Jesus’ birth; God had set up rules for sacrifices so that man could experience some measure of cleansing from sin – though these sacrifices were not adequate to remove sins they did cover them for a time so that God and man could still fellowship. He still loved us even with our sin.

However here now is sinless, perfect Jesus. God and man wrapped up into one, who now has chosen to sacrifice Himself for us… to become a true sacrifice to remove our sins, one and all.

He can do it

  1. Because He is perfect and sinless
  2. Because He is God and transcends time, his sacrifice is once for all

So He willingly sacrifices Himself… Takes the full punishment for our sins upon Himself. Experiences every pain and curse in His own body, and tastes both physical and spiritual death for us. (separation from God).

He did it for us. Now a sacrifice greater than any bull or goat or other animal has been offered on our behalf.

This is why there is no salvation today apart from Jesus. This s why we need Him and we need His cleansing. We are no longer under the Old Covenant today. Are you still suffering to try and keep the law under your own effort? You cannot do it, and God knew it back then! That’s why He gave you Jesus! God doesn’t want the blood of bulls and goats, nor people!

Your sins have already been paid for by Jesus! The only question is now do you accept His sacrifice?

All you have to do is make up your mind! If you take the time to research the original language of the Bible for our English word “repent” – you will find that it actually means “To change one’s mind”. So repent for not accepting Jesus, and believe on Him today. That is all that is required. Realize that we are sinners without Jesus and accept Him as our savior.

Friends, I hope this has blessed you today. Never forget that it is all about Jesus.



One response

  1. Yep, that happens sometimes😃 and it’s awesome that the answer came to you — I was just reminded of John 1:17, the Law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Thanks for sharing.

    Be blessed,

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