You may have heard the popular saying that “Christianity is not just another religion, it’s a relationship” — it’s a true statement at its core. But one question that we should ask, is what kind of relationship are we in, and even more, who are we in a relationship with? If you don’t know the person you are in a relationship with, it becomes much more challenging, or even impossible to sustain that relationship. Sadly, a great many Christians enter into a relationship with a God they barely know, and continue for years, often dazed and confused when certain things happen or not— and sometimes vehemently arguing for things that do not line up with the revealed character of God in the scriptures. Why does this happen? Simply because they don’t know! But God wants us to know Him! There’s an entire collection of books in the scriptures designed to show us God’s character and His will. And today I’d like to explore this critical topic with you.