We’ve spent the previous four studies looking at our relationship with God, and how it touches every aspect of our lives. And now that we understand where we stand, we can move on to the topic of authority. Authority is another one of those topics that are critical to a successful Christian life, but rarely gets the attention it needs. The scriptures are clear that we have a spiritual enemy, and that we are called to stand in times of attack or pressure. But the scriptures do not call us to stand without any power or recourse. In truth, Jesus paid a very high price to redeem us, and bring us into a new and better covenant with better promises (Hebrews 8:6) — these promises are not ethereal, nor are they relegated to some unknown future time when we get to heaven. These promises are for here and now when we need them the most. Yet many believers are left completely unaware of all that they have to believe in, due to the aspect of our authority in Christ never being mentioned. So today we are going to explore the authority Jesus has given to us, for the very purpose of defending and overcoming the spiritual enemy. Let’s get started!