Welcome to the second part of ur series on hearing and specifically how to hear your way to miracles. If you wonder where I’ve been the last two weeks, and why this part was delayed— I was in the hospital. Now you might be thinking that if I was in the hospital, what qualifies me to say anything about miracles— That’s an honest question. My answer to that is, when you are in a hospital, that’s precisely when you need a miracle! You see, people whose lives are in perfect order, don’t need miracles. It’s when things start going sideways, that a miracle is sought. And those of you who’ve read my book, know that I was very sickly over the years; and that those same experiences afforded me the opportunity to see and experience many miracles, which I wrote about in great detail. And make no mistake, a miracle was seen this time as well, as the doctors couldn’t provide a diagnosis of why I was having very visible symptoms, and all my tests came back clean. So in this session, I want to share with you another real-life practical example of how what we hear from a spiritual perspective is crucial to success.