Welcome back to the third installment of our series on recognizing God’s leading and His voice. A lot of people are looking for guidance and good direction… who better to ask than someone who truly knows everything? God has perfect knowledge and can see the end from the beginning… but we often have trouble hearing or recognizing his voice from the multitude of messages we receive every minute. Some have argued that if God is so perfect, why can’t he make it so everyone hears him all the time? Well, that’s a fair question. Would it surprise you to learn that the instructions for hearing Gods voice have been in the scripture all this time? In the previous two parts of this series, we laid the crucial foundation of grace in the new covenant through Jesus Christ; if you haven’t yet seen those two segments, please watch those before watching this part, as we will be building onto what we learned previously, as we explore the application of hearing God’s voice. Let’s get started!