In last week’s video we began looking at strongholds, and how we can have freedom from them, not by efforts, but by resting and receiving the grace of Christ through our reborn identity in Jesus Christ. Strongholds can be utterly debilitating, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Even if they don’t appear to be that harmful at first, the doubt, fear, and uncertainty they cause can be quite costly in the long term. Although many of us can recognize at least some part of a stronghold when it grips us… we know on the inside that something just isn’t right, we also, at the same time feel powerless to do anything about it. We fight, struggle and try to break free, and we might experience some kind of success for a day, week, or even a month, but then we find ourselves right back where we started. This vicious cycle can cause people to doubt the efficacy of their salvation; to just give up and throw-in the towel and become depressed, and disillusioned. However, as we began to uncover last week, our victory through Christ is greater than our perceptions. And today we continue exploring how our new identity in Christ gives us freedom from strongholds.