The Beatitudes are one of the most famously well-known parts of the Sermon on the Mount. This is where Jesus pronounces particular blessings according to certain things, and over the years entire sermons and studies have been conducted based on just these Beatitudes – many of which try to use this list given by Jesus as a “goal post” or “spiritual checklist” of sorts that people must work towards or strive for to obtain extra blessings or favor from God, or to try to be better Christians. Today, I would like to share with you a different perspective – one not based on mere human behaviors in order to “be better”, but one based on seeing the finished work of Jesus, and truly receiving what He has accomplished. You see, when Jesus taught, He wasn’t merely upholding the Law, with its rules and regulations (He had to do that because He was under the Law Himself when He walked on the earth) – but more importantly, He was preparing everyone for what He was about to do; the change that was coming. And within the Sermon on the Mount, are some of the most striking pictures of Jesus for us to see, and I am excited to share with you today in this study.