Welcome back to part 3 of our study on Spiritual Tongues. In the first two parts of this study, we looked (appropriately) at the first two types and forms of tongues that Paul described in the first nineteen verses of 1st Corinthians 14 – the private, personal tongue, and the public, prophetic tongue with interpretation. We saw the distinctions and individual use and purpose of each of those… and how neither of them are “useless” but how each has a specific purpose and benefit. Now today in this study, we will be continuing with 1st Corinthians 14, as we see Paul begin to transition to the third type and form of Spiritual Tongues, which is the evangelistic tongue. Where a person can speak another human language (one which they do not know), for the purpose of sharing Christ and the message of His Gospel to unbelievers who need to hear it. We see this most clearly in the book of Acts chapter 2. This type of tongues is no more or less valuable than any of the previous two types, and like the others, it has its place, its purpose, and its benefit, which we will see today.