Few other topics among Christian communities are more confusing and controversial, then the topic of tongues; spiritual tongues to be precise. There are countless different positions, doctrines and theologies regarding tongues – their existence, their purpose, and the forms which they take or don’t take. In-fact there are so many different positions, that most people don’t even know what they believe regarding tongues at all! The scriptures however, do not leave us guessing about tongues – in-fact God wants us to know and understand the wonderful gift which He has given to us; and to receive it for all that it is worth. That’s why, in this study today, we will cut through all of the man-made opinions, theologies and doctrines, and see the truth of tongues as the scriptures defines it. And by seeing this, you will see tongues for what it really is, and the marvelous gift of God, made possible in Christ Jesus, by His Spirit.