I invite you to perform a little experiment... the next time you’re in a Church-building, or a Christian setting, listen to the things that the people often say about themselves. You'll usually hear things such as: - Oh, I’m just a sinner saved by grace. - I’m a work in progress. - I’m a piece of metal that’s being refined. And there are other things as well, but these are the most common phrases that I often hear. And with each of these phrases, there is one common point in all of them – that the work isn’t finished yet. People are going around constantly telling themselves and others that, well no, Jesus really hasn’t finished the work yet… that it’s still in progress. This is what most people actually believe, and it saddens me, because it’s really not the truth. What I want to share with you today in this study, is what the scriptures actually say regarding your status right now as a child of God, washed and redeemed by His shed blood and broken body for you. And that in-fact, it is okay to admit the truth of what He has done for you.