At one time or another, you’ve probably heard the phrase “dress for success”. It’s a bit of often-used advice, which basically means that you should always wear the appropriate clothes for whatever position or status that you are seeking to achieve. For example, you shouldn’t attend a high-level job interview in tattered clothes; but instead in a nice outfit appropriate for the intended vocation. Spiritually speaking, the same type of advice applies, although with a couple of twists. First of all, we don’t really dress to attain a position, rather we dress because we already have a position. And secondly, we don’t actually dress ourselves in this case, but rather we are clothed with a dress attire, given to us by none other than Jesus Christ Himself! This is what I want to share with you today in this study; and by seeing this truth you will be able to step into your new identity in Christ with fresh eyes and a fresh perspective on what Jesus has given to you today.