The parable (or story) of the Ten Virgins is one of the parables told by Jesus regarding the Kingdom of Heaven. It has been used in the past as a fearful thing. I have heard preachers say “You had better watch out! You had better be afraid, because Jesus could return at any moment, and if you’re not careful, you will be left behind!”. Now I will readily admit, that there is a warning in this parable, but to turn what Jesus said into a fear-mongering sermon would be a gross perversion of what Jesus was actually saying here… because not only did Jesus give a warning, but He also gave amazing words of life, so that you do not need to be afraid or to fear! What I want to share with you today, is the amazing truth about the Parable of the Ten Virgins, and how it all really revolves around Jesus. By seeing this truth, we do not need to be in needless fear any longer.