Over the years I have spoken to believers from all across the globe. Different nationalities, different ages and different backgrounds. For all of their differences though, besides their admission of being believers, they all have something else in common: They are all worried and unsure – not unsure of God’s existence, but rather unsure of His intentions. They aren’t sure of God’s intentions towards them – whether He will do them good or evil… they aren’t sure whether God will protect them and provide for them. In all honesty, I do understand this mentality, because I used to experience it myself. It’s impossible to be totally sure when it comes to God if you’re on a shifting foundation based on self. If you are looking to your own behaviors and performance to dictate whether you receive blessings or not from God, then you will always be on the shifting sand of your current performance-level. However, thank God that the Bible does not actually teach that we earn favor from God through our own performance or behavior! Today we will be studying how God will surely do us good, and all because of Jesus Christ and His perfect obedience.