All across the world, ministers of the Gospel are struggling daily to tend to the flock and feed the sheep of God. Many think that the job of a pastor is a one-day-a-week job – only on Sundays and maybe a Wednesday or Thursday night service thrown-in as a bonus. However as every minister knows, the demands of not only time but also patience, and faith are extreme. I read a book some time ago, which told the story of several different church leaders, all of whom became burnt-out and ultimately quit their ministerial positions because of frustrations, stress and an inability to deal with problems effectively. One leader even became so stressed that he manifested physical sickness. Now God never designed this to be, and while the book cited the problem-people to be the cause of the turmoil, I am inclined to point-out that none of the leaders were taking advantage of the provision that God has given to deal with such situations. And this provision is what we will be studying today. If you are a minister or even a layperson who is dealing with stressful people or situations, this study will benefit you today.