Throughout my years in church, there have been many buzz-words, catchphrases, and confusing terminology that have been used. One of the most insidious has been “blind faith”. This term has been misunderstood and even twisted over the years to mean something very dangerous. Believing anything as being from God without any confirmation or solid foundation from scripture. With this kind of blind faith, every feeling is from God, every emotion is a divine sign and every word is the leading of the spirit – and this has led many believers astray because they do not understand the concept of Scripture which we will be studying today. As you might have determined, God has something different to say about proper spiritual leading, and the scriptures actually do not teach “blind faith” at all. Jesus healed the blind, both physically and spiritually. He calls Himself the Good Shepherd, and a shepherd never wants the sheep to heed any voice indiscriminately. So today we will be looking and God's direction on how to apply wisdom to our walk, and as we see the truth of Jesus in this area, we will no longer wander aimlessly into pits in our life, but we will be led on safe paths by our Good Shepherd.