There are many children today who have absentee fathers. There are also quite a number of children who have never known their father at all. The role of the father in today's culture is often downplayed and even mocked in popular television shows. The father is often portrayed as a loser and a buffoon. However the Bible states that the role of the father is very important, and not to be taken lightly. Yet for those who have never known their father, either because he was never there to begin with, or because he was present physically but never embraced his role as a father, God has you well covered. Today we will be studying God's advice, which He gives to us freely as our loving Father. If you have never known the love of a father, you are not alone and you have not been forgotten. God is our ultimate Father, and this is not just a title of reverence, but a title of relationship, as we will be examining today.