Have you ever heard the phrase “Spiritual Warfare” or have you ever been told that we are in a spiritual battle? If you have ever listened to a sermon, or even seen a select group of Hollywood movies, the term has probably come up.

In truth, the Bible makes it quite clear that we are in a spiritual battle, and that though the forces are unseen, the results of the struggle are just as real as the battles waged with physical weapons.

The battle raging in the spirit realm is ultimately one for our very souls, and while it may seem like science-fiction, a vast majority of us do feels and sense the battle every day of our lives.  One of the prime battlegrounds is that of faith, and once this area is exposed your eyes may suddenly be uncovered just as mine once were.

Take for example the area of healing, having experienced this in my own life, I am relaying this  directly from my memory and personal experience.

Those of you that know me well, are aware that I have been healed of some number of illnesses, some minor and some major. The point to ponder is this. After I knew that I was healed occasionally I would experience symptoms of the very thing I was healed from after the healing had taken place. This is the key. Someone who was lacking faith would see those symptoms and immediately doubt that the healing was real, but see if I was to do that, I would be giving in to the forces of the enemy and in a very real sense, I would be surrendering in defeat.

You see since we are in a spiritual battle, we must be prepared for some resistance from the opposing forces of the enemy. We must steel ourselves for the spiritual struggle. We must not waiver or give in to the techniques and deceptions of the enemy, whom he Bible clearly names as a thief and a liar.

I should point out that even after being examined by my doctors, they even agreed that  I am still just as healed today as I was back then, the symptoms are indeed lies and just as the Bible states, the enemy does flee, when properly resisted. The key is to recognize the lies of the enemy for what they are and then treat them as such, not bowing to them or being swayed by them.

I have watched people crumble to the lies of the enemy, and I have watched others have their faith swayed by watching professing Christians crumble under the lies of the enemy and it does sadden me. This is why I have chosen at this time to share this story, as a warning and as an advice to others struggling with the faith based attacks of the enemy.

Do not crumble under the lies of Satan. Find an appropriate scripture promise which supports your desire –whatever it is whether it be healing, prosperity, etc. (this is why having some knowledge of the Bible is important) , and once you have that scripture… “make it yours”; meaning recognize that it is for you, and it is God’s will for You to have this thing, and then stand on it! That means whether you see it immediately with your physical senses or not, it makes not one bit of difference! Stand on it, claim it and profess it out loud verbally day and night; others may think you’re crazy, but you’ll be in good company and it doesn’t much matter anyway because you’re doing what the scripture says.

Give no thought to the deceptions of the enemy. Expect resistance, and be prepared for it, ready and able to stand against it as the Bible says in Ephesians 6:13:

“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” 

Stay connected to the LORD and believe His truth even in the face of the enemy’s’ lies. Do this and know victory.



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